Saturday, April 28, 2007

Oh Ssshit!

This shirt has a typical Florida palm tree pattern but it also has a little cartoon character about to get ripped to shreds by a group of 5 gigantic sharks in a Jaws manner. The cartoon character is aware of his imminent painful demise and his final words to the world is, "oh ssshit!" This playfully morbid shirt came Key Largo, Florida, 1,378 miles from where I was purchased it. Key Largo, at 33 miles long, is the largest of the Florida Keys, the northernmost of the Keys. It has the self-proclaimed title "Diving Capital of the World" with fishing, kayaking, and amusing shirts. This shirt is is possibly referring to a gangster style "whack," which is obviously a tribute to Key Largo the great film noir by John Huston about gangsters and hurricanes. The original owner of this shirt would have to at least an amateur scuba diver with a taste for the classic 1940's-50's crime dramas, a film student on spring break possibly, but most likely a retiree with an RV.

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