Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Thallium Stallions

This shirt is Thallium Stallions. What caught my eye about this shirt wasn't the image or the name, it was the Cardinal Health logo on the sleeve of the shirt. Now why would a what appears to be a band shirt have a sponsor on it like Cardinal Health. Then you think, well, maybe it isn't a band t-shirt. Thallium, symbol TI and atomic number 81, is a highly toxic poor metal, used to poison everything from insects to anyone who puts you in their will. A stallion is a horse that still has its balls. The truth about this highly poisons horse with a sex driven dominant behavior and its ties with Cardinal Health is that it is a band shirt. Thallium Stallions are, in fact, a ratioactive metal rock and roll, or "hot" metal. The band members of this band are all in nuclear medicine and members of the Society of Nuclear Medicine. The SNM had this to say about them, "If you did not see them at the June 2006 national SNM meeting, you are in for a wonderful treat." With reviews like that who wouldn't want to see them. So this shirt belonged to a SNM member (since they only play at the annual meetings) and is probably giving me cancer.

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